Battling the Winter Vortex: Keep Your Furnace Running in Edmonton’s Deep Freeze!

Hey there, fellow Edmontonians! We hope you’re all bundled up and staying warm in the midst of this bone-chilling winter vortex that has swept through our city. With temperatures threatening to reach an ambient -49 degrees (and a mind-boggling -58 with windchill), it’s not just us humans feeling the freeze – our furnaces are working overtime too.

Now, let’s talk about your trusty furnace and how to make sure it doesn’t throw in the towel during these extreme conditions. We’ve got some tips to keep your home cozy and your furnace happy.

New Filters, Please!

A plugged filter can be the silent killer of your furnace, especially in these frigid temperatures. It’s like trying to breathe through a straw – not easy, right? Ensure you have a fresh furnace filter installed or give your reusable filter a good clean. This simple step can make a world of difference.

Cleanliness is Next to Furnace-iness

Think of your furnace like a marathon runner – it performs best when it’s in top shape. If it’s been more than two years since your last furnace cleaning, it’s time to schedule one. The cold snap is no joke, and a clean furnace is a happy furnace.

Frequent Cycling – Not the Exercise We Want

If you start hearing your furnace doing a weird dance of turning on and off frequently, that’s what we in the biz call “cycling.” It’s not a disco move; it’s a sign your furnace might be struggling. Don’t ignore it! Frequent cycling puts unnecessary stress on your heating system, and we want to keep that to a minimum.

The 3-Year Rule

Here’s a golden rule: if your furnace hasn’t seen a professional cleaning in three or more years, it might decide to take an unplanned vacation – and that’s not what we want in a winter vortex! Regular maintenance can prevent unexpected breakdowns, so don’t skip out on it.

Prep for the Polar Vortex

In Edmonton, we’re no strangers to these extreme temperatures, and our furnaces know it too. Take a proactive approach – ensure your furnace is ready for the Polar Vortex. Don’t wait until it’s too late!

Stay Warm, Stay Safe

In these icy times, protecting your home and ensuring your furnace is up for the challenge is crucial. Take these steps seriously, and your furnace will thank you by keeping you warm throughout the winter vortex. Stay cozy, Edmonton!

Note: If you need professional furnace cleaning, give Britcan Furnace & Carpet Cleaning a shout – they’ve got your back in the cold!